A Message from Owner Mark A. Truman, SE #121
Since 1977 I have been conducting site evaluations in Maine. I am a 1976 graduate of the University of Maine at Orono. I have a BS degree in Natural Resource Management with a Soil and Water Conservation major, and previously received an Associate degree in Chemical Engineering, Pulp and Paper Technology from The University of Maine at Bangor.
Currently I belong to the Maine Association of Site Evaluators, and design the most effective cost efficient system for a clients particular site. There are many variables that enter into the design with a different set of circumstances that make septic design work very interesting and enjoyable.
We at Maine Site Evaluations LLC support and donate our services to Habitat for Humanity. and love working with agencies and/or individuals to help out.
I am a Maine Licensed Site Evaluator (SE #121), and am licensed through the Division of Environmental Health, which administers the Maine Subsurface Wastewater Rules also referred to as the “Plumbing Code”. These rules can be viewed here, and prescribe the siting, design, construction and inspection of subsurface wastewater disposal systems. This protects the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Maine.
The guidelines, together with each municipalities zoning and land use ordinances set the basic framework for beginning the site evaluation.
To start the process first you will need a completed Subsurface Wastewater Disposal System Application (HHE-200). Your code enforcement office will require that you submit the application to them prior to issuing a permit. This application consists of three pages. It contains all the required information about the applicant, the location, and the construction details of the proposed system.
You can provide lot surveys if available, and a proposed house location. At our initial meeting at the property we will discuss your ideas, and together will come up with a plan that meets the minimum requirements of the Wastewater Disposal Rules. We will do this while still respecting your ideas.
If this is an existing structure and we are trying to site a replacement system I will try to minimize disruption of the property. This allows ease of construction and will minimize cost. Please visit the Septic Bio-remediation Services area of this site. There you will learn about the White Knight system of remediating failing disposal areas. This is just one cost-saving tool that I employ.
Have a Question?
Any questions? Reach me using the contact information provided here. Most times I am able to meet on site to get you started in the right direction. This will help you to understand the parameters I need to work within. I also allow you the flexibility to formalize your building ideas. This way we complete a working plan together that works for you, and we only have to do it once. This is another way I save homeowners money.
Finally let me say that owning and maintaining a septic system requires vigilance and understanding of how these systems work. Please check out our links’ page for some helpful information. I have been to many failing systems over the years and heard the “I didn’t know you weren’t supposed to do that”. With proper design and use a septic system can last a long time.
With proper design and use, a septic system can last a long time. I’ll do my best for you, so please give me a call toll-free at 1-800-244-2493 anytime, or email me at markatruman@mainesiteevaluations.com. Visit our contact page to see all methods of contact.
Thank you,
Mark A. Truman, SE #121
(Owner) Maine Site Evaluations, LLC